Complete Practice Resource, Inc.
Monthly Reporting

EMR and Monthly Reporting
Running a medical practice is a lot of work that requires quality care and attention to detail. With these aspects of your practice in line, you can depend on keeping your medical records and every other aspect of your practice running efficiently.
As a part of our EHR systems, our software can keep track of monthly reporting. We provide each client with this information as a part of our billing fee. These monthly reports consist of information that help you to indicate how efficient your practice is running. We believe that, by providing our clients with this clear and concise information, we can help them to save money.
Our experience and expertise allows us to provide transparent reports on the financial side of your practice so that you can run your practice at an optimal efficiency.
Keep Concise Medical Records and Finances
With our reports, you can see finances in multiple areas our software that will show you the following:
- Daily Reports
- Monthly Reports
- Quarterly Reports
- Yearly Reports
We can provide these reports for multiple practice specialties. Our reports will show you the various areas of payments that you have coming in, including:
- Commercial
- HMOs
- Medicare
- Medi-Cal
- Medi-Medi
- Self Pay
- Workman’s Comp
Our electronic medical records will help you keep track of the type of patients you have as well as the ways they have paid. Our clients can rest assured that every aspect of their EMR will be kept up to date and organized.
If you’re looking for a solution for your EHR systems, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We can show you which aspects of your practice could use better tracking. We’ll also train your staff on how to use our EMR software.
To view a PDF sample of a complete month end report, Click Here.